Kitepower at the intersection of art & science

with Studio Roosegaarde

Published on:
December 1st, 2017
Last modified on July 3rd, 2023 at 11:18

Kitepower has been involved as a developer partner for Windvogel, installation part of Studio Roosegaarde’s design innovation program for Icoon Afsluitdijk. The program consisted of three designs of light and interaction developed by Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers and engineers. Windvogel consists of green energy-generating kites equipped with green light-emitting cables, whose movement during operation create an immersive play of light.

The project is the realization of a dream of Dutch astronaut and inventor Dr. Wubbo Ockels († 2014) who envisioned a future with energy-generating kites and laid the foundations of Airborne Wind Energy (AWE). Windvogel was exhibited from the 17th of November 2017 until the 21st of January 2018 nearby Den Oever on the Afsluitdijk. The documentary 32 KM follows Daan Roosegaarde and his team in the making of this project.

About Icoon Afsluitdijk

Windvogel was launched as part of Icoon Afsluitdijk, the design innovation program commissioned by the Dutch Government, to enhance the innovative character of the legendary 32 kilometer Dutch dike whilst highlighting its key functions: water protection & heritage, energy and mobility as an exemplary model of a smart landscape for today and tomorrow.


Windvogel is the winner of the Shenzhen Global Design Award, Dezeen Design Project of the Year, and Europe 40 Under 40 Award.

Special Thanks to Joos Ockels. Image courtesy: © Studio Roosegaarde

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